
We are updating a few of our marketing pieces around here. Our marketing guru Nikki is working on developing a custom font for some of these pieces and we wanted to share. The similarities of the way designing something looks is pretty universal. You stick to the basics of form and function, throw in some geometry, add a splash of economy and viola! You’ve got yourself a font (or a Truss.) Here take a look at this and you’ll see what I mean.

This is a design concept for a Truss on a house.
This is a design concept for a window with a little bit of stained glass at the top.

The use of geometry when architecting something is really key. The relationship between proportions and beauty, or appeal if you will, are very closely intertwined. You can’t have one without the other.
Here is the back end of the font she is creating. Look at all that math!

The backend of the font design
Here are a few letters ti give you an idea of how the font is coming along.

So, whether you are architecting a home, a car, or a custom architecture font, the tools are the same. We are thinking of naming this font “Architecting” – what do you think?