Ok, so TODAY is not actually the birthday for the firm. The actual birthday is April 1st. No Foolin!
The Principal architect Curtis Gelotte founded Curtis Gelotte Architects 29 years ago on April Fool’s day. Upon meeting Curtis you would know he is wonderfully witty and loves a good laugh, thus the decision to open his doors in 1983 on the national holiday for laughter makes perfect sense.

After graduating Montana State University with a Bachelor of Architecture in 1986, Scott Hommas started his career as an intern for Curtis Gelotte Architects. He then spent a few years exploring different types of architecture before returning to Curtis Gelotte in 1996. In 2007 Curtis Gelotte and Scott Hommas united and Gelotte Hommas Architects was born.

Happy Birthday to GHA. Next year we are going to celebrate 30 years as a firm with a party. Follow our blog so you can be sure to get all the details.