One of our underway projects “The Brownswood Cabin” is getting close to completion.

The contractor, Woodridge Custom Homes in Cle Elum, Wa, sent us over from recent progress pictures. We love it when drawing start to come to life and project moves from the imagination into life.
This cabin is 2,500 sq feet of rustic contemporary design that both melds wonderfully, as well as stands out just enough from the gorgeous serene wooded setting.
Suncadia and Tumblecreek are popular vacation spots in eastern Washington. We have built a number of custom cabins there and we adore every one. Especially Scott Hommas. When designing for Tumblecreek or Suncadia, he gets to channel his Montana roots – can you tell?
This project is set to be finished around Christmas time. We will be sure to update you all with more progress picts. This one is going to be gorgeous to photograph professionally. We can’t wait!
Just a side note – if any of you have ever headed over to our Client Recommendations page you would see an amazing recommendation from tebrownmd. That is this client and he is speaking about this project. 🙂 We have the best clients!