arc.i.tek is almost here!

Get ready for the youth event of the Summer!

We have hinted to you about a youth program we have been developing for the past few months. In partnership with; The Seattle Architecture Foundation, The Seattle Center and The Next Fifty we have architect-ed (get it) a fantastic summer youth program, so get ready because it starts NEXT MONTH!
Arc.I.Tek is a series of model making workshops for kids  ages 7-18 where the kids will be looking to the past 50 years of design in Seattle an applying that towards designing what they think the next fifty years will look like. Each model will be put into a design competition between the kids with the grand prize being an internship at Miller Hull Architects in Seattle. How cool is THAT?!

The First model making workshop is APRIL 21ST AT THE SEATTLE CENTER.
Tickets to the workshops are $20
Ticket’s will be available through 
*tickets are not available yet. We will let you know as soon as they are available to purchase*

We are so excited for this event that will run all summer long through October.
Please contact Gelotte Hommas Architecture or The Seattle Architecture Foundation for more information