The Art of Architecture: Working with Nature

Architecture is far more than crafting a structure. It requires attention to context and respect for nature. It’s the art of reflecting the home’s surroundings and using existing beauty to create refuge.

Bark Art 2019

One of the great privileges we have as architects in the Seattle area is the opportunity to team up with other design and building professionals to celebrate creativity and community. Recently, one of those opportunities came at Bark Art. Each year, Luxe hosts Bark Art–a charity event that brings home design experts together in support …

The Art of Architecture: Articulating History

“To provide meaningful architecture is not to parody history, but to articulate it.” Daniel Libeskind

The Art of Architecture: Beauty in Comfort

Architecture creates beauty in safety. It transforms refuge into spaces of comfort. It aims to create a place that welcomes you in with peace, elegance, and a sense of timelessness.

The Art of Architecture: Simplicity of Home

“Our opportunity, as designers, is to learn how to handle the complexity, rather than shy away from it, and to realize that the big art of design is to make complicated things simple.” Tim Parsey

4 More New Home Designs

From traditional English cottages to contemporary family homes to luxury garages, every home design project is a new exploration of the art of architecture. We recently published several new home designs to our collection. Here are four to explore. Redmond Retreat Close to the city yet in a world unto itself, Redmond Retreat merges beauty …

The Art of Architecture: Setting the Scene

The art of architecture considers context—it considers the larger scene in which the home is set. With every home design, we seek to reflect natural beauty in our work. We use colors, materials, and textures that work with the landscape, and we use landscape to frame those elements.

The Art of Architecture: Pursuing Wonder

“Architecture is not based on concrete and steel, and the elements of the soil. It’s based on wonder.” Daniel Libeskind

The Art of Architecture: Exercising Art

Every time we put pencil, pen, or brush to paper, we discover new corners of creativity. It is in exercising art that we deepen our understanding of the beauty of architecture.

The Art of Architecture: Greyscale Garage

“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” Winston Churchill