The Art of Architecture: Sketched in Time

Each sketch pushes us to think creatively, to begin simply. Only paper, pencil, and inspiration from the clients. Pursuing architecture as art means each home is an entirely new creation, unique in beauty, purpose, and context. This is the art of architecture.

The Art of Architecture: Presenting Beauty

“Architecture is a visual art, and the buildings speak for themselves.” Julia Morgan

The Art of Architecture: Reviving History

Some projects are new beginnings. Others are rediscoveries. Woodway Restoration allowed us to revive and expand the beauty of a historic Washington home…and, in doing so, to partner with architects of days past.

The Art of Architecture: Illusions of Symmetry

“One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time, it is like life starting all over again.” – Renzo Piano The art of architecture is born of great ideas depicted with our simplest tools–pencil, ink, paint, and paper.

The Art of Architecture: Embody Serenity

“Architecture, of all the arts, is the one which acts the most slowly, but the most surely, on the soul.” – Ernest Dimnet

The Art of Architecture: Reflecting Beauty

The pursuit of beauty defines our work. We seek to understand and capture it at every step–from concept to final construction.

The Art of Architecture: Beauty in Structure

“Architects can’t force people to connect, they can only plan the crossing points, remove barriers and make the meeting places useful and attractive.” – Denise Scott Brown In crafting compelling representations of each home design project we embark on, we practice the art of architecture from start to finish.

From Our Family to Yours

The tradition of sending holiday cards dates back to 1840s England and a man who wanted to acknowledge the people in his life with a token of gratitude. He commissioned an artist friend to create a custom design and reproduce it on thick paper, then sent it out to friends and relatives, giving the world …

The Art of Architecture: Looking at the Big Picture

Our work as architects is distinctly informed by our work as artists. We work across mediums to capture beauty and infuse it into every structure. We approach each project as art–as a quest to capture and communicate beauty through architecture.