Let Gelotte Hommas Design the Perfect Home to Showcase Your Stunning Artwork

Having a wonderful collection of art is something that many people hold very dear to them. If you’re one of those people, you know how hard it can be to show off an amazing collection in the average home. That’s particularly true if you have sculptural pieces or large scale pieces of art that simply don’t work in the average home. For those reasons, many people with fantastic art collections decide to use our custom home design service to get the house they want and need for their pieces. There are a variety of ways Gelotte Hommas can help you get that perfect gallery look and you’ll love the overall result.

GHDA's custom home design service in Seattle
Your team at Gelotte Hommas can help you get that perfect gallery look that you’ll love!
  • We can help you scale your home to the largest pieces of work in your collection if that’s an issue. Many art collectors have very big pieces with walls that really aren’t large enough to hang them. Whether we use an open floor plan, vaulted ceilings or another style, we can make sure you have the right space for you most powerful pieces of work.
  • Gelotte Hommas can make sure you have outdoor space for all of your sculptural items that aren’t made to be housed indoors. Your home can also be tailored to large pieces that do go inside through an indoor courtyard, foyer or in an enlarged living space.
  • Lighting design will be of the utmost importance to us during your home build. We want to make sure all of your pieces get the lighting they need and deserve. We can also protect sensitive pieces like photographs or older paintings to keep them from being damaged by light coming in through windows.

Contact Gelotte Hommas to learn more about our custom home design service and how our services can help showcase your artwork in a truly special way.