Catch the Ocean Breeze With Contemporary Pacific Northwestern Style Homes

A new take on warm textures, smooth lines, and natural materials, the contemporary Pacific Northwest architecture style incorporates aspects of modern engineering and sleek interior design to create a sophisticated yet welcoming home.

modern Pacific Northwest architecture
Pacific Northwestern homes offer a minimalist vibe with a hint of artistic flair.

Thick, black framed windows line the front and sides of many Pacific Northwestern homes, creating a symmetrical and balanced look. The combination of natural wood and concrete on the exterior of these houses offers a clean-cut, soothing appearance that is enhanced with geometric designs and simple patterns. This crisp design produces a minimalist ambiance with a hint of artistic flair.

Landscaping outside Pacific Northwestern homes is typically minimal. A few attractive potted plants serve as carefully chosen accents. Spacious lawns, simple covered concrete patios, and clean-cut hedges are common with this architectural style as the landscaper doesn’t want to detract from the distinctiveness of the house.

The clean lines carry inside Pacific Northwest-style homes. Tall, rectangular pillars are frequently used to accentuate doorways. Built-in wooden shelving in hallways and libraries emphasizes the use of natural materials. Generally, the color scheme is neutral, playing on natural wood tones with light beige and white walls. Deep grays may be used on accent walls to add character.

Pacific Northwest Homes often include amenities such as fireplaces. However, unlike the ornate amenities you would find in Gothic, Mediterranean, or Spanish style architecture, contemporary style amenities will be very simple.  A geometric fireplace topped with a single piece of artwork may serve as the focal point in the living room. In the dining room, a plain bar-style table with comfortable padded chairs serves as a gathering point. Hardwood floors are used throughout the home, but area rugs in neutral tones add touches of warmth.

If you like clean lines, minimalist styles, and the use of natural materials, Pacific Northwest architecture might be best for you. Contact Gelotte Hommas to discuss your design today.