The Difference Between Simpleness and Simplicity

When it comes to architectural style, simplicity is the greatest compliment an architect can ever achieve. Simplicity doesn’t mean simpleness, rather it is an effortless blending of architectural elements to create structure that is welcoming and inviting while still being interesting and engaging.

simplicity vs simpleness
Source: Gelotte Hommas’s Portfolio

Simpleness is easy to accomplish as it is uninspired and often just a combination of elements that appear to fit together but do not. Simplicity on the other hand requires crafting a delicate balance between each and every element of the home.

Here are some ways simplicity can be achieved when it comes time to design a home:

  • Fill a need in a beautiful way. By using geometry along with the right materials, architecture can be brought to life in a simple way that isn’t overwhelming or distracting.
  • Use a minimum of decorations and features. Extraneous add-on’s and distracting decorations take away from a structures aesthetic appearance. If it isn’t essential to the aesthetic or the function of the structure, then it should be discarded without a second thought.
  • Connect the home to the landscape. For simplicity to be achieved, a home must blend in with the landscaping that surrounds it. When done correctly, there is a seamless transition and bond between the two that can never be broken.

To discuss the right architectural style for your next home design project, contact the award winning team at Gelotte Hommas Architecture. We would be happy to sit down with you and help you design the perfect place for you to call home.