Excellent home design is born from exploration and collaboration.
When a family of five approached Scott Hommas with their vision for a custom family home, they assumed they needed a traditional style house to blend with the rest of their neighborhood. Scott showed them otherwise.

Throughout the design process, the initial traditional concept morphed as the homeowners expressed preferences for specific stylistic choices. Flat roofs, large windows, and clean lines won out as the homeowners began to realize that their home–beautiful and splendid in its unique design–didn’t have to mimic the choices of the surrounding homes. The stone-clad contemporary home rests just as comfortably on the lakeside as its established neighbors.
And that’s the beauty of exploration through collaboration. As architects, we love to hear your vision for your dream home, to listen as you describe the ideas you’ve been pondering for years. Your ideas inspire us. And they’re crucial to our design process.

Then it’s our turn. We put your ideas on paper and flesh them out; then, together, we dialog about the design. Now that you see your home, what would you change? How does it or does it not meet your expectations? Just as Scott did during the Meydenbauer home project, we listen and discern our clients’ distinct preferences. We help read between the lines, so to speak.

Yet the collaboration doesn’t end with architect and client. Scott and (then) project manager Eric Drivdahl pondered this Meydenbauer house together and drew upon each other’s creativity to create a home unique to and perfect for this family. Play spaces, a media room, and kid-friendly landscaping met symmetrical staircases, a grand entryway, and modern finishes for a timeless contemporary home that will serve the family well through every age and stage.