A Step Above: Beauty in Staircases

Great staircases exist for more than mere function. They’re a statement, an expression of style. They require space in prominent areas of your home, after all, so they should be beautiful. Here’s a collection of our favorite staircase designs to inspire you: Classic Charm Classic on the Green‘s elegant staircase wraps squarely around the entryway. …

Seeking Symmetry

Out of classical thought came the idea that beauty lies in proportion, for without proportion, there is only chaos. Nested in that idea is longing for symmetry. Whether it’s flowers, furniture, or faces, the more symmetrical an object is, the more the human eye perceives beauty. Home architecture is no exception. When it comes to …

3 Open Kitchens for Contemporary Living

Classic or contemporary, the kitchen is the center of the home. Industry experts report that while overall home size is getting smaller, particularly in urban areas, kitchen sizes are staying the same or even getting larger. This is due to the fact that the kitchen has replaced the living room as the central gathering place for …