Use These Tips If You're Still Undecided On Your Floor Plan

Choosing a floor plan for your new home is not an easy task. Since floor plans are very difficult to change once the home is built, there is a lot of pressure to make the right choices. However, solidifying your floor plan is a very important step in the home building process, so it’s important that you make these decisions in a timely manner. Use these tips to guide your mind in the right direction:

Deciding on a Floor Plan
Source: Gelotte Hommas Drivdahl Architecture
  1. Decide how much space you need for your family. Consider your family’s space needs realistically, and then choose a size range in square feet that meets those needs. How many bedrooms do you need for your children and possible house guests? It’s not realistic to build a 5-bedroom house for a family with one child or a 2-bedroom home for a family of five.
  2. Consider your design style when choosing a floor plan. If your home has a more modern style, try going with a more open floor plan. If your home’s style is more traditional, square rooms separated by solid doors are often the best option. Remember to consider decorating needs when deciding between open and closed floor plans. If you choose an open floor plan, colors will need to flow across your space.
  3. Keep location in mind. Look around your city, and observe the types of floor plans in your area. Are there mostly single family homes with big yards or attached multi-family homes? No one says you necessarily have to blend in with the crowd, but it doesn’t hurt to use others’ plans as inspiration.

Contact Gelotte Hommas Drivdahl Architecture to talk to our talented designers about your floor plan ideas.