5 Bathroom Trends You Should Know About in 2014
If you’re thinking of remodeling your bathroom, or creating a brand new one, it’s important to know what’s in style. These bathroom trends have been sweeping the nation in 2014, and our Bellevue design firm is on top of all of them. Consider including one or more of them in your design to ensure that …
Home Decor That Can Boost Your Mood
The way you choose to decorate your home says a lot about your personality to the guests who come inside for dinner parties and gatherings. However, your home decor is also something you live with on a daily basis, and it can greatly affect your mood in a positive or negative way. If you want …
Green Roofing Ideas to Consider for Your New Home
If you’re interested in going green in your home build or renovation, you can do so in ways that are less traditional than your neighbors. Instead of simply switching out lightbulbs, consider implementing a green roof in your home design. Here are some things to consider. Creating a space, on your roof, for flowers and, …
Bamboo Flooring for Your Home
One of the hottest trends in home construction and remodeling right now is bamboo flooring, and with good reason. Hardwood flooring is one of the most sought-after features when people are buying a new home, due to its appearance, ease of care, and low maintenance. Add to that the “eco-friendly” moniker that follows bamboo flooring, …
Why You Should Build Your Home Using Wood
When deciding which type of material to use for your home, you’ll discover plenty of options. If you’re leaning toward natural materials, consider having a wood home built. Timber homes offer aesthetic appeal, as well as several practical benefits. These are some of the advantages of living in a home made of wood: Better efficiency. …
Defining Characteristics of Gothic Architecture for Your Home
Castles are the most popular examples of Gothic architecture, but this style can also be applied to homes. This type of architecture dates back to Medieval times, when people went to great lengths to make their dwellings seem light and airy. These are some of the defining characteristics of Gothic architecture that can be incorporated …
How to Think Through Your Master Bath Plan
Master bathrooms allow homeowners to enjoy some quiet and privacy at the end of a busy day, and they also provide a comfortable and luxurious place to get ready in the morning. There are several possibilities for a master bath design, depending on the homeowner’s preferences and the layout of the home. Homeowners can use …
Architecture Ideas for Your Contemporary Home
There’s no easy way to define contemporary home architecture in specific terms. In broader terms, it refers to recent styles that focus on functionality and incorporate newer construction materials. Contemporary homes also typically do not have features that are normally associated with historical architectural styles. Some of the common characteristics of contemporary architecture include: Plenty …
Ideas for Building a Beautiful Contemporary Home
Contemporary interior design is sometimes confused with modern architecture, but the two styles have their differences. While modern homes often have a streamlined look, open floor plan, large windows, and plenty of white or neutral hues, contemporary homes push the envelope when it comes to decorative touches. If you’re thinking of having a contemporary home …
How to Make the Mountain Home Modern
Many people think of mountain architecture as simple cabins tucked away among the trees, but these homes can be much more than that. They can be spacious houses that make the most of the surrounding scenic views and feature luxurious touches. The following ideas for a modern mountain home can help you decide how you would …